A pistol -shaped iPhone shell causes scandal
In a country where many citizens have a weapon at home, the desire to have a pistol -shaped plastic shell can really make you smile.However, this is what is happening in the United States with a new model of iPhone shell.Here is the object of the scandal!
At first glance, this shell is not the best imitation of a pistol and even if it is rather bad taste we say that the American authorities get carried away a bit.Except that the current context is very tense and that this shell can quickly create the illusion when the phone is stored in a pocket.Judge by yourself.
If by calling, we quickly understand the deception, once placed in the pocket, the shell makes a perfect illusion.And in a country where wearing a weapon is registered in the Constitution, we quickly imagine the possible drifts.A priori, American police have better to do than check all the pistol shells.In addition, the fear of a burr is mentioned.We remember a 12 -year -old boy who had been killed while playing with a simple ball pistol.Note that in the United States, the replicas of firearms must wear an orange brand, which is not the case with the hull.
Amazon has already removed the product from its catalog, but the total ban on this shell seems very complicated at a time when everything is sold and bought on the web.
Chargement du sondage, veuillez patienter. Les sondages sont pour le moment indisponibles sur l'application smartphone d'Hitek.
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