If you have an iPhone 12 or iPhone 12 Pro and you can no longer hear your interlocutors during a voice call, Apple is now committed to repairing or replacing your SM for free ...
The developers of Tenorshare have succeeded in a beautiful feat: to design a software which allows you to circumvent the iCloud activation lock, without going through a password or to make a detour by the ...
In Fort-de-France A arrival in Majesty in a postcard decor to the sound of the cannons of Fort Saint-Louis.Who did not let tensions that have invaded Martinique.After 16 J ...
What is a processor? The processor is an important item for walking a computer or Chromebook.Still called CPU (Central Processing Unit), it works from impulses that ...
A recurring defect on the really wireless headphones, like Apple AirPods (Pro) is that there is no solution to adjust the volume.You have to go through the source device, or a ...
The stands The double chargers pads and at Apple?FAQCOMMENTES The Wireless Load is now popular on smartphones and accessories.What is the best Qi induction charger?R ...
Nothing has announced that its EAR headphones (1) would be marketed at 99 euros and that they would offer active noise reduction.Nothing Concept 1 // Source: Nothing is on July 27 next ...
@YohmiOn peut se dire que si Apple a tenté d'eviter a tout prix de devoir lancer avant (la batterygate) un programme d'echange systematique c'est que cela a un impact sur la marge beneficiaire...Maint...
7/10Bose Quietcomfort 45349.99 € & GT;Amazon on Aimeon does not likeverdict: it's a fact, the QC45 is a very good headset with active noise.However, we cannot decorrelage it from the history ...
The successful launch of the first 100 % Apple MacBook can upset the industry.Intel intends to show its muscles, choosing its fights. Apple MacBook Pro M1 // Source: Arnaud Gelineau ...
From year to year and test test, it is always the same story that returns to the carpet: if the iPad is at the forefront of the material technologies of the moment, it is the software - iOS so as not to...
His name is Melvyn, measures 1.50 m and weighs 34 small kilos.He shares his room with Mehdi, who culminates at 1.69 m and 50 kg.Both are 13 years old and are residents of the National Institute of Footba ...
Will buy, will not buy?If all industrial products are not necessarily to ban, some are more than others.You still have to know which ones!Several applications do ...
(AOF) - SAP (+4.6% at 122.30 euros) again raised its 2021 objectives, but unlike last July raising, the German technological group is also more optimistic for the nail ...
AUDIO60 CommentsMickaël BAZOGE | Apple book this evening a new firmware for AirPods and for once, the whole range is concerned.All models therefore go to firmware 4A400, not D ...