Poinsettia interview: “make your Christmas star sparkle”!

Poinsettia interview: “make your Christmas star sparkle”!

The poinsettia has established itself as the number 1 houseplant during the Christmas season. The plant blooms in December and January and is the quintessential Christmas decoration apart from the Christmas tree. Contrary to popular belief, poinsettia care is not that difficult. Find out how to take care of your Christmas star in the following lines.

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Poinsettia Care

The most widely available red Christmas flower, but there are over 150 different varieties of the plant. You can see pink, orange, cream, white, bicolor, speckled poinsettias and many more.

There are over 150 different varieties of the Christmas star

How to keep a poinsettia for a long time?

Know that the poinssetia should receive at least 6 hours of indirect sunlight each day. Note that it requires a place, sheltered from drafts. For continuous flowering, the Christmas star needs daytime temperatures between 18 and 21°C and slightly cooler at night, but make sure the temperature does not drop below 15°C to prevent leaf drop. .

Watering the Poinsettia

The best way to tell if the Christmas flower needs water is to touch the soil which should be moist and cool to the touch. If the soil is dry, it's time to water. Take into account that if the pot is very light when you lift it, the soil is too dry. You will have to keep the soil slightly moist but never flooded. To be safe, check the plant daily as the soil can dry out quickly indoors. Note that it should be checked whether the pot has at least one drainage hole. If there is none, it is essential to drill a hole as soon as possible, otherwise the roots can rot quite quickly. Take into account that the pot should not be left standing in water. So the best way to water the Christmas flower is to put it in the sink and then water it slowly until the water drips out of the drainage hole. Then place the plant on a saucer.

Tips how and when to water the poinsettia

How to take cuttings from a poinsettia?

To get a great Christmas plant, you'll have to cut healthy new stems from vigorous plants. Take 7.5cm to 15cm cuttings from the mother plant just after new growth begins in early summer. Using rooting hormones can help you successfully root poinsettia cuttings. Put some of the powder on a paper towel and dip the cut end into the product. Then insert the cutting into the hole you drilled in the moist potting soil. Place the cutting in a bright place but out of direct sunlight. Note that placing the pots in plastic bags increases the humidity. Be aware that the cuttings should sprout roots and develop root systems within a month.

When and how to plant a poinsettia?

The poinsettia can be planted in a garden and provide years of beauty. Know that you can do it at the end of March, once all risk of frost has passed. Just before planting the Christmas flower, prune it. Remember to plant it in a sunny place and in well-drained soil, sheltered from winds and frost. The south side of a house or wall is a good choice. Make sure the plant is not going to receive artificial light at night from spotlights or other light sources, as this may prevent the plant from flowering properly. If you choose to use a water-soluble fertilizer, add it to the watering can every two weeks. Otherwise, use slow-release granules in the spring. Remember to prune the plant regularly.

Here's when and how to plant the Red Christmas Plant

When and how to prune the Christmas flower?

The Christmas flower should be pruned twice a year, first in spring and again in late summer. For the first pruning in spring, remove all foliage and cut all branches to 10-15 cm in height. You can repot or plant your poinsettia at this time. Depending on the size of the plant, you can pinch off new growth in early to mid-summer (late May-early June) to encourage branching. At the end of summer (August), prune the plant again, leaving 2-3 leaves on each branch to encourage new growth.

How to make a Christmas star bloom again?

After Christmas, the poinsettia bracts begin to gradually fall off, but the plant will bloom again the following winter if you take care of it properly.

Follow the steps above to make a Christmas star bloom again

Why do poinsettias lose their leaves?

The poinsettia can lose its leaves if it is exposed to sudden changes in temperature, drafts or placed in a room that is too cool or dry. It loses leaves and can wilt if it needs extreme water. When choosing a Christmas star, look for a plant that is healthy with no discoloration of the foliage. As the Christmas flower is sensitive to temperature changes, remember to wrap it carefully before transporting it outside or in your car.

The Christmas star is very sensitive to temperature changes

The poinsettia is a great addition to every Christmas decoration

It is also a very nice gift

Bet on the white poinsettia

Poinsettia care – the mission is possible

Poinsettia care is not that difficult

Make your Christmas flower sparkle

The Christmas flower can enhance the festive decoration

Bet on a variety of poinsettia that is out of the ordinary

White and red blooming Christmas flowers
