Grandmother tips and methods to keep and freeze zucchini
If you have an outdoor corner and enjoy caring for different types of plants including edible species, chances are you already grow zucchini in your garden. One of the star vegetables of the summer season! Thanks to their easy cultivation, we enjoy a fairly rich harvest and that, in just a few days! However, we do not always have the possibility of eating them all at once, so we often start looking for effective methods and tips to freeze zucchini and keep them as long as possible. If this is a subject that interests you, let's discover together the secrets of grandmother to do this.
Learn how to store and freeze zucchini so you can enjoy them all year round
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You put young, fresh and healthy courgettes in the freezer
Why and how to blanch a zucchini?
In general, vegetables can be frozen in two main ways. The first is to carry out a blanching method before putting the zucchini in the freezer. The second allows you to omit this step. What are the strengths of each of them? Let's find out together.
Should we blanch courgettes before freezing them?
Normally, blanching courgettes before freezing is not a mandatory step. However, if you have the time and the desire to preserve the zucchini longer (up to 10 months), you resort to bleaching. In general, this method aims to deactivate the enzymes and thus prevent the zucchini from becoming discolored and mushy. However, the texture after blanching and freezing differs from that obtained by using fresh vegetables. However, it is an effective way to extend the storage period and enjoy firm zucchini after defrosting. It is also a good way to get rid of any bacteria on the skin of the vegetable.
The blanching method allows vegetables to be stored longer and also prevents discoloration
How to blanch courgettes before freezing?
If you want to blanch vegetables before freezing them, here is everything you need to know for this process.
You will need:
Steps to follow:
- Start by filling a saucepan with water, then bring to a boil.
- In a bowl, mix ice cubes with water to make a kind of ice bath. li>
- Next, plunge the courgettes into boiling water and leave them in for about a minute.
- Remove the vegetables from the boiling water and soak them in the ice bath. This step stops the cooking process.
- Finally, dry the zucchini and freeze.
Here's how to blanch a zucchini in just a few simple steps
How long to blanch zucchini before freezing
Do not blanch zucchini for too long as this can make them mushy. Also, don't add salt to boiling water because the vegetables will absorb it and you may end up with mashed zucchini.
Can you freeze courgettes without blanching them?
The answer is yes! This is indeed a much faster method that does not require boiling water and a bain-marie. On the other hand, some prefer this method in particular because blanched zucchini lose a little of their flavor unlike raw zucchini. Either way, remember to wash the vegetables thoroughly before freezing.
When you're in a hurry, you can freeze vegetables directly without blanching them
In which container to store zucchini in the freezer?
Here is a list of the best storage options for storing your frozen vegetables.
Different freezing container options
In what form should you freeze raw zucchini?
Before putting the zucchini in the freezer, it is advisable to prepare and cut them into the correct shape according to your plans for use. The best would be to opt for a variety of shapes, which gives you more flexibility for your recipes with zucchini. Now let's see how to cut them according to the recipes in which we want to include them.
Cut the courgettes into various shapes
Grated zucchini
This is the most suitable variant for baking (preparing breads, muffins, etc.). Start by washing well, then grate the zucchini. Then squeeze out any excess water.
Zucchini spirals
The ideal product for preparing soups. Cut the zucchini into spirals (noodles) by hand or with a tool.
Zucchini in pieces/slices
These shapes are very suitable when you want to make a smoothie, a soup or even a sauce.
Each shape has its own recipe
For faster cooking: freeze zucchini in a single layer
Normally, when you freeze zucchini (especially going through the blanching stage), they appear as a kind of ice cubes solid. That's okay, but if you want to freeze them quicker to use for a meal, it's best to freeze them in a single layer. To do this, you can simply put them on a baking sheet covered with baking paper, for example. This way the zucchini will thaw faster.
Arrange the zucchini in a single layer to defrost them more easily
How to defrost zucchini?
When you are ready to experiment with a zucchini recipe, you will first need to defrost the vegetables. Here's how.
- Remove the vegetables from the freezer.
- Then put them in the fridge to defrost naturally overnight or use the microwave for faster results. < li>Once the zucchinis have thawed, we recommend pouring them through a colander to remove excess water.
A few easy ways to thaw zucchini
What to do with frozen zucchini?
There are plenty of ways to incorporate frozen zucchini. If you are running out of ideas, here are some easy and tasty suggestions to try.
There are many recipes in which you can incorporate frozen zucchini
Storing courgettes in the fridge
If, on the other hand, you plan to use the courgettes in the following days, you can simply store them in the fridge. For this, we keep them whole, unwashed and dry. You can wrap them in paper or put them in a plastic bag. Still, remember to leave a hole open to help airflow. This way you can store them for one to two weeks. Pay attention to the skin: when it starts to shrivel, it's a sign that you need to use them as soon as possible.
It is also possible to keep the courgettes in the fridge when you plan to use them in the next few days
Zucchini in jars
The last tip we offer you for storing zucchini is to put them in jars. Here are the ingredients and utensils you will need for this:
Steps to follow:
- Combine the vegetables and salt in a large bowl, cover and then refrigerate for about 12 hours or more.
- Drain the mixture in a colander.
- In a saucepan, mix the rest of the products (vinegar and spices). Bring to a boil.
- Reduce the heat and simmer for about 10 minutes.
- Add the vegetables and bring to a boil. Then simmer for 30 minutes.
- Pour into jars and sterilize them.
Storing vegetables in jars is a timeless grandmother's trick
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