Harry Potter: Wizards Unite is now playable in France!|igeneration

Harry Potter: Wizards Unite is now playable in France!|igeneration

App Store

37 commentaires Mickaël Bazoge |

Magicians and magicians of France and Navarre, rejoice!Harry Potter: Wizards Unite is now available in hexagonal land, a few days after an outing in the United States and the United Kingdom.This game developed and published by Niantic takes up the principle of Pokémon Go, but drawing inspiration from the universe of the sorcerer with glasses created by J.K. Rowling.

The principle is the same: as a very young recruit of the intervention group of the Magic Secret Code, the player is invited to explore his surroundings to flush out findables (magic artefacts), but also all kinds of creatures.After a "calamity", all these little people have found themselves in the Muggle world.It is imperative to return them to the magic world before the Muggles realize it ...

The game therefore takes up the idea of virtual hunting with a good dose of augmented reality.The main screen is a map of its corner of the country, with different "traces" of magic that must be explored, if necessary by going physically.To break the magic seals surrounding the findable, it will be necessary to make spells by drawing them on the screen.The game also has hostels in which to fill up with magic energy.

The game also makes it possible to perform events with several wizards, which also recalls Pokémon Go.This mobile adaptation of the Harry Potter universe is particularly rich and varied, so much so that the first minutes are hard to follow so much the game drowns under information.The followers of the previous Niantic title will be on known ground, and those who in addition know the books (and the films) will better grasp all the possibilities.

Harry Potter: Wizards Unit is free, but integrated purchases allow you to acquire gold coins, the currency of the game, in order to unlock objects.In addition to France, the game is available in Belgium, Canada, Switzerland ... in all, 29 countries.

Tags#Niantic#Harry Potter : Wizards Unite

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Nirkoz |

Always the galley in the countryside ...

TomVar |

Harry Potter : Wizards Unite est maintenant jouable en France ! | iGeneration


What idea to live in campaign too?!

Nirkoz |


If only I had the choice!

Archos |

Strongly that I can live in the countryside!

armandgz123 |


It's annoying...

Nirkoz |


Yeah I don't make you say ...

birds24 |

Not yet available in Quebec

Memnock |


It is available in Quebec. I have installed it and it works.

alexis83 |

Obligation to have a Google or Facebook account to play? ‍♂️?

Rifilou |


By fall an Apple account will suffice?

alexis83 |


The good will of the devs to integrate it after ...

cecile_aelita |

From what I understood (but I can be wrong) so that an app submitted to the lapp store is validated with an "sign in with google" or "sign in with facebook" they will have obligation to propose the sign inWith Apple?

Ramlec |


Yes it will be compulsory

alexis83 |


AAAAAAAH great!I didn't understand it in this sense!This is very very good news!

cecile_aelita |

I am (like many) very impatient to test this "sign in with apple" but as much on iOS apps it will be cool but what about the connections from a PC? Obviously it would be mandatory to post on the lapp store, but nothingobliges for the rest.So for app that offers managing their account from a PC, with which identifier we will log from from his computer if the developer does not put it on the web part?(The logic would like that if they put it on the lappli, they will necessarily put it on the web version but nothing is on ^^) In short, let's wait but it will be super cool?

benooo88 |


No if the app proposes sign in with google or facebook, the rules of the app store will oblige the publisher integrated Sign in with Apple

bhelden |

Avada Kedavra aaaaaaaaa

Ah no I can't throw it again ... I have to be level 4000.

Mac13 |


Ah ... I thought you launched your smartphone ...

bhelden |


I will launch you out ... so that you still love me ...

Mageekmomo |

Yeah I tested it with the tweaked version but not phew, too complicated.

TrollMan06 |


Indeed, this kind of games are not within everyone's reach it looks like?

oomu |

Yes, it remains only at the bodily of condescending geeks.

TrollMan06 |


So everything is ok for you???

oomu |

Yes all.Perfectly ok.Totally ok!

The situation in Russia?Totally ok. Syria, Iran, North Korea, Laos, everything is OK for me.

In short, this kind of game can be too complicated for what it is worth (in graphics, or wealth or game mechanics).Menus, stuff to hide nothing.

Yes, everything is ok.Totally okkaaaaaayy ...

amok75 |

Strongly sign in with Apple!

rimshot |

We have been in Australia for months and frankly it’s a Pokémon Go reskin.Too much menu, under menu ... for in hardcore can be.

IceWizard |

@Mikaël "Magicians and magicians of France and Navarre, rejoice!"

No !As long as it will take a Facebook or Google account to play, we followers of the mystical arts will be mouth.

TomVar |


Ba you just have to create a Facebook account under pseudo.

IceWizard |


To lose dozens of hours of play if Facebook realizes that it is a false account and deactivates it?I would wait for the Signed by Apple identification to get started.

cecile_aelita |


? It would be cool to be able to convert all your accounts into "sign or with apple" even if basically it loses its meaning given that by definition if I have already made an account with my e-mail for an app isthat they already have it ??

TomVar |


Think.Or you create a real account, or you create an email with your nickname that will allow you to create a Facebook account or with a nickname or with a real name but which you block not to be found.Obviously you don't know anything about Facebook since these are everyday practice.

oomu |

"Obviously you know nothing about Facebook since these are common practice."

Loss of time of condescending geek.

Why waste your life in these details of Facebook or other websites of tomorrow when you can rather learn how to pay your taxes towards your country for the glory of its government and its elected president, glory to him!

heu |

Zou, friend code!2068 9795 3281

Ielvin |


Ohh: D

razerblade |

It must be said that there are only geeks who take offense at being able to connect only with Facebook or Google ... The problem is that they are right, it is anything!However, on other niantic games, it is possible to register otherwise, it is amazing.

hautelfe |

The connection via niantic is more galley too. The Google and Facebook connection, it's just a click.Non -geeks appreciate;)

Scotosh |

Do not hesitate to add me as a friend on H.P Wu: 2068 9795 3281

User connection
