How to signal censorship in Egypt and the United Arab Emirates |igeneration

How to signal censorship in Egypt and the United Arab Emirates |igeneration

Thanks to its end-to-end encryption, signal messaging [2.6.9-French-free-40.2 MB-Open Whisper Systems] allows you to communicate in a confidential way, but it is still necessary to be able to use it.Not that the application is complicated - it is eminently simpler than the PGP system -, but states that taste little at its discretion block it.

This is what users recently realized in Egypt and the United Arab Emirates.Internet access providers from the two countries block messaging and its website.

Open Whisper Systems has just deployed a parade called Domain Fronting which consists in camouflaging the communications of the service.When an Egyptian or Emirian user sends a message, this communication is seen by ISP as a normal HTTPS request to"To block signal messages, these countries should also completely block," explains the publisher, a measure which would obviously go much less unnoticed and which would have heavy consequences.

Comment Signal contourne la censure en Égypte et aux Émirats arabes unis | iGeneration

This device, which could work with other important services (Azure, Akamai or AWS), is currently reserved for users with an Egyptian or Emirian phone number.It has been activated manually, but Open Whisper Systems plans to integrate a detection and automatic circumvention function of censorship in a next update.

Signal, which is recommended by figures from the security environment, including Edward Snowden and Bruce Schneier, is multiplateform and open source.His encryption protocol is used by WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger in secret conversation mode.
