Missing 17 -year -old jogger: bloody headphones, a man arrested, what we know
About 200 gendarmes are mobilized this Tuesday to try to find a 17 -year -old teenager who has disappeared since the day before in Mayenne.
2kpartagesParjo.M.With AFP |
2kpartagespartagertwitterAbout 200 gendarmes are mobilized this Tuesday to try to find a 17 -year -old teenager who has disappeared since the day before in Mayenne, dans le nord-ouest de la France. PHOTO AFP - AFP> Une jeune sapeur-pompier
According to the Radio Europe 1, which revealed the affair, the girl left to jog, in the town of Saint-Brice, near the Bellebranche forest, around 4 p.m. on Monday but did not come back.Around 7 p.m., his father went to his search discovered on his way headphones and a phone bearing traces of blood.Her daughter used to use a phone running application and published her career in real time on social networks, reports France Bleu Mayenne.Monday evening, the route would have stopped net.
According to a neighbor interviewed by Ouest France, "she did sports regularly, with her dad, who made her football.It is a very frequented forest, with large aisles.With the mushroom harvest period, there are people.»»
According to her relatives, she does not present the profile of a fugueuse.The high school student is a young firefighter, learned the police-justice service from France Télévisions, from a source close to the file.
> 200 gendarmes mobilisés
Research started on Monday evening is continuing this Tuesday.About 120 gendarmes were mobilized this Tuesday morning to try to find the 17 -year -old teenager missing.Reinforcements came from Maine-et-Loire and Sarthe, as well as a squadron, a helicopter in Rennes, a cynophile team and still a river brigade of Nantes.The size of the system has once again been revised upwards at midday, since 200 soldiers are now on the ground.
A wide perimeter of three kilometers around Saint-Brice is completed.Surveillance is maintained in the village where the girl resides.
They could go to three cynophile teams during the day. La gendarmerie des Pays de la Loire a indiqué à Ouest France que la zone de recherches est composée de forêts et d’une alternance d’étangs « qui rendent difficile la fouille»» du secteur.
A next point on the investigation will be made at a press conference at the Laval court at 5 p.m. Tuesday, November 9.
> Un homme interpellé
According to information from RTL, a 42 -year -old man was arrested on Monday, November 8 at the end of the evening by the gendarmes and placed in a soaring cell before his hearing.In the evening, this drunk man made several phone calls for the gendarmerie to obtain information concerning the disappearance of the teenager."The first elements collected, which must now be exploited, do not allow you to rule out any track," said the public prosecutor of Laval Céline Maigne in a press release."The need to preserve the quality of survey work, in the interest of the missing girl and her relatives, leads me to call people wishing to support the family not to circulate in the research zone in order tonot to disrupt investigations ”.
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