On strike, school teachers are less paid than police officers
The school teachers massively follow the strike movement launched in Paris, against the four and a half day week.Categorical claim, certainly, which is largely misunderstood.But behind the refusal to work a few more hours, there is also the discomfort linked to the feeling of downgrading of the ex -teachers.A feeling that is based on a very concrete reality: school teachers are today less well paid than police officers.It is the unions that affirm this, and the official figures of the Ministry of the Public Service confirm this: school teachers are very poorly paid.On average, their remuneration is lower than that of police -level police officers or brigadiers, theoretically of much lower rank in the hierarchy of the public service, according to the latest annual public service report.
Only the stoves and category C workers are less well paid, is it possible?The teachers of the schools, who fall within category A of the public service, a priori have a gross treatment, before bonuses and overtime, much higher than that of the guards of the.On average, they affect 28.319 euros gross per year, according to the latest annual public service report, which reports data for 2010, against 21.444 euros for the latter.A substantial gap.But, while ex-institutors are entitled to almost no premium or overtime, police officers, brigadiers...accumulate them.The total remuneration of the latter, premiums and hours included, reaches 33.701 euros per year, against 30.561 euros for school teachers.This corresponds to monthly net salaries (once the samples have been deducted) of 2.328 euros for the police against 2.132 euros for ex-informators (over 12 months).In fact, only category C staff (employees and workers, at the bottom of the hierarchy) have a global remuneration below that of school teachers.
Ivan Best
2 minutes
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