The associative collective for the observation of the elections is mobilized Anuga celebrates its centenary
The observation of the CAE concerns the entire electoral process, in its entirety, in particular by analyzing the legal arsenal relating to the elections, by conducting studies on the political participation of young people, by ensuring the observation of all stages of the processelectoral, by adopting the methodology of independent observation, with the mobilization of observers spread over the 12 regions of Morocco, by organizing internships and training sessions for the benefit of supervisors and observers of both sexes in different regions and provinces,And by observing the media coverage of the electoral campaign by the entire written press, the audiovisual and the electronic press.
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During the press conference of August 25, in Casablanca, while emphasizing their satisfaction with the maintenance of the elections in compliance with the constitutional deadlines provided, despite the epidemiological situation, the members representing the CAOE wanted to express their concerns howeverPolitical circumstances in which the elections, circumstances characterized in particular by a "regression of respect for public freedoms" stand, the "presentation and adoption of laws in the two chambers of Parliament without taking into account the proposals of civil society", the'absence of progress on the question of recognition of the fundamental role of civil society (SC) conferred on it by the 2011 Constitution, in matters of formulation, evaluation and monitoring of public policies and the absence of any progress inconcerning the mechanisms of participatory democracy.
Likewise, CAE members expressed their dissatisfaction with the management of the electoral system because of public decision -makers "did not take into account the proposals and recommendations put forward by the collective and relating to the observation of the elections".This is particularly the case with the need to create an "independent electoral commission", the involvement of SC organizations in the preparation and discussion of electoral laws (...), the adaptation of the electoral code to the Constitution(…), The participation of Moroccans residing abroad, migrants and refugees constantly residing in Morocco (…) and equitable access to the media.
The CAE puts in particular the emphasis on the preponderant place and the primordial role of the media in the smooth running of the elections.Finally, with its field expertise, the CAE has adopted an observation methodology for the elections of September 8, by capitalizing on its experience, while drawing inspiration from international best practices.With a workforce of 2,620 observers spread over all regions of Morocco, the CAE observes the different stages of the electoral process: pre-electoral campaign, submission of applications, electoral campaign, election day and appeal.
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In fact, the mobilization of observers has been effective since June this year.An administrative structure responsible for coordination, centralization and monitoring has been implemented and is already operational.Regional coordinators have been selected.61 supervisors were distributed in all regions, in addition to 21 volunteer supervisors.30% of 2620 observers are women.Thus, a priori, on September 8, the planned elections will have to take place under the projectors of the CAE.It will be a new national historical meeting to give birth, in all transparency, to a new responsible political elite, capable of contributing positively to the changes already started and/or announced, and to ensure the continuity, even the rooting, of thedemocratic process, in all its institutional and societal depth.
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