The iPhone is not waterproof, it can resist water … Grade

The iPhone is not waterproof, it can resist water … Grade

In this summer season when swimming pools, lakes and seaside are more frequent than usual, it is important to remember that iPhone 7, 8 and X are only moderately compatible with the liquid element. It is a tenacious idea that they should be watertight, in the strictest sense of the word.

For the last three generations, Apple has been selling iPhone products that "resist splashes, water and dust." Which doesn't mean you can take your phone into the middle of the water with your eyes closed, saying you're not taking any chances to let him down.

One of our readers recently had a bitter experience with his wife's iPhone X:

As a result, an Apple store in the Paris region issues an invoice for €599: "accidental damage by immersion, no warranty". An Apple store technician confirmed to us that there are hardly, if any, tolerances in such cases.

It is important to keep in mind that, since its version 7, the iPhone has been resistant to water but it has not become a small submarine (the special hulls to go frankly in the water remain more relevant than ever).

You can feel that the rain will beat the iPhone like plaster... But we Don't see it, it's only suggested. By chance or not, Apple's YouTube channel still has a lot of clips for the iPhone 7 online, but more this one (or any more trivial one). HTC had been less careful with a commercial for his U11 that a diver used to do selfies in the pool. The video must have been removed.

Apple does not use the term "waterproof", which is often used by distressed customers after a fatal swim. It speaks only of "water resistance". In this other ad, with the late Enzo Maiorca, the iPhone stays wisely by the pool, it does not accompany the diver. And if he gets wet, it's on the order of a big splash.

L'iPhone n'est pas étanche, il peut résister à l'eau… nuance | iGeneration

The iPhone 7, 8 and X meet the IP67 protection index defined by the International Electronic Commission (IEC) 60529. 6 for resistance to dust, 7 for resistance to penetration of water, with the following precautions: immersion of less than 1 m and for a maximum of 30 min (also not mentioned here as waterproofing).

A priori this index of the iPhone X, it can cover a lot of small pool edge accidents, like that of our reader. The IEC test is performed in the laboratory. The phone is not thrown away or agitated in the water (this is the subject of another clue) but is placed quietly in a tank with this maximum depth limit.

Il s'agit d'un réservoir d'eau douce 1, et pas d'eau chlorée comme dans une piscine ou salée comme en mer. Un écart de température maximal entre le téléphone et l'eau est également codifié.

All three iPhone families performed well on these criteria to earn their IP67 index. But between laboratory conditions and real life there is sometimes a long way.

Dans un cas, un iPhone tombé dans l'eau et vite ramassé repartira d'un bon pied après un séchage patient. Parfois aussi il passera l'épreuve des 30 minutes dans l'eau (YouTube est plein de tels clips, on avait fait le nôtre aussi) et ailleurs il rendra l'âme. Mieux vaut ne pas jouer inutilement avec le feu l'eau, car Apple l'écrit clairement : « Les dommages causés par un liquide ne sont pas couverts par la garantie ». Rappelons que des dommages provoqués par un élément liquide n'entrent pas non plus dans les causes couvertes par le contrat AppleCare+.

-Rice is not a solution to save a fallen smartphone.

This is the main problem, every situation can be different, there is no universality. According to our technician, if after a swim mist appears in the rear lens or before cameras, it is badly engaged. No better if the internal moisture sensor turned red. This other fact sheet lists the location of this sensor for the different iPhone and gives tips for cleaning.

In short, these iPhone are designed to withstand water under very special conditions. They may face some risks, but if this level of protection is taken in default and this directly results in damage, it will be for the customer's pocket.

  1. The index of the new Galaxy Note9 is higher than that of the iPhone X-IP68-but that doesn't make it "waterproof". He also "resists" water, explains Samsung, up to 1.5 m, but points out that this concerns "immersion in fresh water". A detail that Apple could add to its product sheet.
