Tim Cook: Apple CEO responds to emails - iPhoneaddict.fr
Apple's brand new CEO, Tim Cook, follows the example of his predecessor by responding to the emails of the brand's customers.Steve Jobs, ex-CEO, had surprised his audience surprised by following certain electronic letters.The answers were very short, they were counting in a few words or even one.Such a success that at each response from the person concerned, the sites published his response openly, we first.But once Steve Jobs started from his company CEO, we did not know if the next generation was going to be insured.It turns out.
Tim Cook took the time to answer this Justin, the latter wishes him good luck and ends up declaring "War Damn Eagle" (this is the slogan the football team of the University of Auburn).Cook thanks him and declares "War Eagle Forever!"»».Small eye to the new CEO was at this university in question.
Note: If the desire takes you to write emails to Tim Cook, his address is as follows: Tcook@Apple.com
Source |Macrumors
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