Turkey: Apple's prices fly away after the book collapse!

Turkey: Apple's prices fly away after the book collapse!

The Turkish Book collapses...Consumers toast!In particular, Apple customers can cringe teeth.The iphone 12, one of the brand's bestsellers, cost 10 evening on Thursday evening.999 Turkish pounds.It was worth Friday morning 13.999 (1.020 euros at the exchange rate of the day), an increase of 3.000 pounds, greater than the local net minimum wage which amounts to 2.825 pounds (205 euros).The iPhone 13 went from 11.999 to 14.999 Turkish pounds (+25%), une hausse supérieure à l'inflation annuelle, qui frôle pourtant les 20% selon les données officielles, et rend le coût de la vie difficilement supportable pour beaucoup de familles turques.

"The book has lost 10-15% [against the dollar on Tuesday], they must increase their prices," puts Emirhan into perspective, left with a pair of headphones from the Gayrettepe Apple Store, a posh district located on theEuropean bank of Istanbul.Consequence of the monetary policy of President Erdogan, deemed irrational by many observers, the Turkish pound had seen its value melt by 13% in a few hours on Tuesday against the dollar, before stopping its fall.In the process, Apple had suspended its sales online in the country, time to adjust its prices.

Turquie : les tarifs d’Apple s’envolent après l'effondrement de la livre !

>> A lire aussi - Turquie : la banque centrale obéit à Erdogan en sabrant son taux d'intérêt, la livre plonge !

"Before, it was very, very expensive.Now it's very, very, very expensive ", quips Mehmet Mert, 31, picking up the empty hand of the shop."With inflation, to buy something here you have to stop eating", lets go.Questioned by AFP, an official of the official store refers to customer service for any comments.

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On Twitter, a Turkish surfer quipped on the news of the price increases decided by the Californian giant in Turkey at the time of "black Friday" of sales everywhere else: "It's Black Friday today, but guess what we have inThis country in place of discounts ".

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