Unclog a naturally - 8 simple and effective methods
The challenge of being in front of a clogged pipe ranks among the most unpleasant housewives.Unfortunately, there is not a magician thing to avoid such a concern.There are still a lot of grandmother tips to unclog a pipe naturally.In the following lines, we then share our top 8 of the simplest and most economical methods to settle the situation without using chemicals.
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Get upset in front of the sink and water that does not want to flow, it is a fairly common scenario in everyone's daily life.Nevertheless, it is not worth using the use of a chemical to settle the situation.Indeed, we can opt for a much simpler, economical and healthy solution.Here it is here.
Products to use:
Instructions :
- Faire bouillir 2-3 litres d’eau.
- Retirer du feu et ajouter 2-3 cuillères à soupe de savon à vaisselle.
- Mélanger bien et verser peu à peu dans l’évier.
Note: this option is especially suitable for cases of piled up.Boiling water will heat the fat by transforming it into a liquid.Which, for him, will allow him to evacuate through the pipe.
Liquid dish soap is a simple and effective pipeline alternative
Unclogging method Bathroom/Slow Drainage Bathroom/Kitchen: Salt and hot water
The pipes tend to plug due to the pile up of fat and soap.To intervene effectively in such a situation, a second easy alternative appears before us.
Products to use:
Instructions :
- Verser environ 150 g de sel dans le drain problématique. (Grâce à sa texture abrasive, le sel a les propriétés d’un agent de récurage naturel. Ainsi, en combinaison avec de l’eau chaude, il élimine la graisse et nettoie les tuyaux de vidange.)
- Faire bouillir 2 litres d’eau.
- Ensuite, verser l’eau bouillante dans le drain.
Note: it might be necessary to repeat this method sometimes to obtain results.
Use salt and boiling water in the case of slow drainage
Unclog a pipe with baking soda and vinegar
We have already talked about the many uses of baking soda and white vinegar.Today, they are given the mission of leading to a problematic pipe.
Products to use:
Instructions :
- Faire bouillir de l’eau, puis la verser dans le drain bouché.
- Ajouter une demi tasse de bicarbonate de soude.
- Ensuite, mélanger une tasse de vinaigre blanc avec une tasse d’eau chaude. Verser la solution dans le drain.
- Laisser agir pendant environ une heure (ou plus).
The famous combo vinegar and baking soda can also be used to unclog a pipe easily
Put soda crystals in the blocked pipe
Si le fameux duo bicarbonate de soude & vinaigre blanc se révèle non efficace pour votre cas, alors vous pouvez opter pour un produit plus puissant comme le carbonate de sodium.The latter is also a popular component in cleaning products.Thanks to its alkaline composition, it is very effective in household chores.How to use it, then?
Instructions :
- Verser quelques tasses d’eau bouillante dans le drain.
- Ensuite, verser une tasse de cristaux de soude et une tasse d’eau bouillante supplémentaire. Laisser agir pendant une dizaine de minutes.
- Si besoin, répéter la méthode.
In addition tip: if you do not have soda crystals in your home, it is possible to transform the food bicarbonate into bicarbonate housewives.For it :
- Sur un grand plateau allant au four, verser le bicarbonate alimentaire et étaler uniformément.
- Cuire au four à 200°C pendant une trentaine de minutes.
- Laisser refroidir avant de l’utiliser.
How to unclog a very clogged pipe?With soda crystals
Coca-Cola as a product unclogging pipes
The famous drink that is quite caustic turns out to be an effective homemade product in the case of a blocked pipe.However, it is advisable to use it rather for tenacious blockages.Being very sweet, Coca-Cola can leave sticky traces on the pipes.So, if it is a small blockage, it is better to opt for another method (eg.with baking soda).
How to use the Coca-Cola to unclog WC or Kitchen pipeline?
- Verser une bouteille de coca-cola de 1,5-2 litres dans le drain.
- Laisser agir pendant au moins une heure avant de verser de l’eau chaude dans le drain.
It is also possible to use Coca-Cola to unclog a sink or toilet
How to unclog a pipe without chemicals?Using the classic suction cup
Classic suction cups are a true faithful ally in household chores concerning the concerns of pipeline.Its effectiveness makes it an almost compulsory element in each home.How then to use it correctly?Simply just fill the sink and press the suction cup very loudly by moving a few times to adjust the plug.
The suction cup is a magician tool to add in its closet!
How to unclog a very blocked sink?
Using a metal hanger
Over time, the sink drain accumulates all kinds of dirt, hair and food residues.Which results in a plug of the sink.To intervene in such a complicated case, before carrying out natural methods, it is also possible to use a mechanical tip.It is simply a question of removing part of the dirt using a metal hanger.Here's how magic is going, step by step.
Materials :
Instructions :
- Commencer par couper le cintre.
- Ensuite, il faut le tordre pour faire une tige.
- Puis, plier le bout du cintre de façon à faire un crochet.
- Faire passer le crochet du cintre à travers le trou de l’évier.
- Tourner quelques fois pour enlever la saleté.
- Sortir le cintre de l’évier.
Using a metal hanger is another alternative to unclog the mechanically sink
By cleaning the siphon in P
If you have already tested several methods but the concern persists, it may be time to turn to another technique, especially cleaning the siphon.As you know, the latter represents a P -shaped pipe which is under the sink.Its role is to catch dirt and prevent it from entering the plumbing system.
- Pour le nettoyer, il sera tout d’abord nécessaire de le dévisser.
- N’oubliez pas de mettre un seau sous l’évier (pour l’excès d’eau).
- Videz attentivement le contenu du siphon, rincez-le dans un autre lavabo afin d’éliminer tout résidu de saleté.
- Montez de nouveau le siphon.
In the case of a tenacious plug, one can think of cleaning the siphon under the sink
Grandmother tip to unclog the toilet: use a plastic bottle
In case you lack specific equipment to adjust toilets, there are also some grandmother stuff.One of the most popular methods is the use of a plastic bottle.
- À l’aide d’un cutter/un couteau, découper le fond de la bouteille.
- Prendre la bouteille sans retirer le bouchon. En tenant le bouchon, enfoncer la bouteille (avec le bout coupé) dans le fond des toilettes.
Note: Remember to put gloves before carrying out this method.
Use a plastic bottle to unclog the toilet
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